take it to the next level
ready to meet your tribe?
First Monday of every month | 6.30-8pm | Headingley, West Yorkshire
Cost: Free
Meditation Monday's is a monthly meet up in Leeds for like-minded people who have an interest or curiosity in meditation and mindfulness.
Daniel Conneely (genzenmeditation.com) and Chris Walton (chris-walton.com) welcome anyone to attend to understand more about what meditation is. Join us for insightful discussion, advice, support & of course, group meditation.
We welcome all levels of meditators, including:
Total beginners - Those curious or unsure about meditation who want to find out exactly what it is
Occasional meditators - Those who have tried meditation, or who dabble every now and again, who have hit a wall or who want to try and reinvigorate their enthusiasm
Regular meditators - Those who consider themselves 'meditators' who would like to share their advice, experiences or explore other's experience and knowledge areas
Meditation Monday's is secular and has no religion or ideology at the heart of its message. Our message is simple - to get as many people interested in (and enjoying!) meditation as possible.
Open to all
2025 dates
Monday 7 April
Monday 5 May
Monday 2 June
Monday 7 July
Monday 4 August
Monday 1 September
Monday 6 October
Monday 3 November
Monday 1 December